MBO & Co and Stags Participations invest in Delta Service Location in a MBO deal

Originally specialising in the rental of pumping equipment in the building and public works industry, Delta Service Location (DSL), founded in 1980 by Michel DENIS, has diversified to become a recognised leader of pumping and temporary energy services in France.

With 35 years of experience, DSL has achieved tremendous growth by establishing new branches (7 to date) and building a network throughout all France, as well as by increasing its range of services. Thanks to its offering of diversified, complementary and high-added-value services, DSL is currently the only company offering a full range of “energy & pumping” services in France. With an average annual growth of 8% over the past 10 years, the group expects to exceed the landmark figure of €30 million in turnover by the end of this year.

The transaction conducted by MBO & Co and Stags Participations finalises the transfer of DSL’s ownership, which began in 2013, around Xavier Denis, through the exit of the group’s founder, Michel Denis. After gaining a wealth of experience in France and abroad, Xavier Denis held various key roles in DSL, before rising through the ranks to become the group’s CEO.

The group’s strategic project aims at strengthening DSL’s position on its market, by opening new branches and consolidating its position in energy solutions, in particular in the “high-powered equipment” segment. The group also plans to conduct an active policy of external growth, aiming at (i) expanding its product range, (ii) extending its geographical network and (iii) targeting additional niche markets in France and abroad. This ambitious growth project should enable the group to generate annual revenue of €50 million within the next five years.

MBO & Co and Stags Participations plan to support DSL’s development by supporting the group’s continued investment in its equipment base, as well as contributing their respective knowhow in expanding into foreign markets, digital transformation and external growth transactions.